The quality and cost of health care is definitely becoming one of the concerns for middle
I don't have any objection on healthcare becoming a full blown business in fact it should become a well run professionally managed business. If it happens as a country we have a huge scale of economics and taking advantage of this scale not only healthcare will benefit on the macro level but due to qualitative competition the business standards will also improve. Unfortunately these things are not happening or at least there is no sign or indicators of any such business evolution. What we see otherwise is moral devaluation of medical practitioners and a pretty bad nexus amongst the business operators such as General Practitioners, Specialist, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Companies, Health Insurance companies.
I am not accusing that all Medical Professionals are alike there are few very respectable figures I know who are doing very noble work however the majority section is lulled to the only one motive of earning money.
I believe its time now our Medical Professionals needs to understand the wind of change. The society is waking up now, word can spread very fast around without needing any newspaper to spread the news. Today's consumerism is all about customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. If our Doctors keep this in mind and provide the best advise, medicines without compromising the quality and succumbing to the pressure put by their own fraternity to indulge in malpractices. I am sure such islands of purity will float more prominently and this purity will get reimbursed by a good quantum of business from people like me who believes in probity. Lets create a small grid of knowledge network (May be today we are not but tomorrow some of us or our relatives may need some medical help) share your experiences and judgement about the medical professional you sought help from so that others can take informed decisions before going to that person. Effortless collaboration is one of the major strengths of Social Networks and now its time we need to use the Social Networks to some rational use.
The only question is who will bell the cat ?? IMA ??
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